Mills Bay Mussel Trio


Savour the essence of Mills Bay Mussels with our exclusive Mussel Trio! Indulge in:

  • 1KG Fresh Mussels in the shell

  • 1 Tub of freshly shucked Mussels

  • 1 Pack Dutch Style Mussel Croquettes

Experience the clean, unmatched flavour and quality of Mills Bay export quality Mussels in every bite with this limited-time celebration.

New Zealand Greenshell mussels are an absolute powerhouse of nutrition and, with one of the lowest carbon footprints per 100g of all animal proteins studied* they represent one of the world’s most sustainable ‘superfoods’ too.

Mussels are highly versatile –not only are they a superfood packed full of nutrients and essential micronutrients, but they’re also absolutely delicious! High in protein, and an excellent source of iron, Omega-3s, B12, selenium, iodine and niacin, the research into the health benefits of our Greenshell™ mussels keeps getting stronger. They are also low in fat, calories and cholesterol.

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Omega Mussels
Marinated Mussels
Raw Shucked Mussels (200g)
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Jumbo Mussel Meat 1KG
Live Mussels 1KG
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